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Article Page Revamped!
By muddasheep, April 14th 2005, 23:49:10

Dear readers,

I've made a bunch of changes for the article section that I'd like to point out.

- General layout improvements (just look at the links boxes)

- Comments get now opened up in a new small window (this saves traffic and time!)

- Added rating texts (so there hopefully won't be incorrect ratings in future anymore!)

- You can undo your rating now and rate articles again!

- If you rated an article/review/interview you'll see a list of other entries of the chosen category (if you're reading an interview you'll see the 10 recent interviews, etc.)

- Pictures are now stored like pictures are meant to be stored (not in the database) and there are even thumbnails created for your viewing pleasure (less traffic, more time for you!)

- The screenshots popup windows get resized in relation to the image size

- I added a "Preview" and a "Show Message Codes" for authors of articles.

Apart from that I finally improved quotes in forums.

muddasheep once said:
Quoting is fun!

Oh, and you might have noticed that polls are now annoyingly put at the login page.

Thanks for reading!


P.S.: I'll be on vacation the next two weeks. Have fun! I'll miss y'all! ^^

View Comments (2) Search

April 15th 2005, 10:49:21
Have a good vacation ms ^^
April 15th 2005, 12:53:03
Imagine all the people living without ms, ohoooooh.

What a bored world, :lol

Enjoy your vacation, man.

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