Personal Halfquake
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By muddasheep, November 30th 2006, 23:51:15

Hello everyone! Yeah, even you in the dark over there.

I've got a few things to tell you.

- I've changed (and hopefully improved) the page overview in our forum.

- I added all those news entries that were sent to people in PHQ before the current news system was implemented (for nostalgic reasons).

- I added News Search.

- The Fucking Sadistic Christmas Calendar is now accessible. You can add bags from December 1st to December 24th which will be available for everyone to be opened on December 25th. I have yet to add a link for quicker access to the layout, but for now you can access it here: PHQ Link

- Added Personal Layout option in your profile. The images you collect in the Fucking Sadistic Christmas bags can be selected and will be seen in your PHQ layout instead of the animated weird thing at the bottom of each side. So be sure to pack images in your bags for others to customize their institutes a bit.

That's it for today. Thanks for reading.



View Comments (2) Search

December 03rd 2006, 00:20:34
One question about the gift thing, will it be one bag per person or one bag per bag donated?
December 03rd 2006, 14:02:08
Ah, yes. You will be able to pick up 30 bags, regardless of the amount of bags you donate. This number will be adjusted depending on how many bags will be available on Dec 25th. ^^

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