Personal Halfquake
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PHQ Donation Drive
By muddasheep, December 05th 2006, 20:13:03

Fellow sadists,

I'll be honest with you: PHQ requires more players. To do this we have to either tell others about PHQ or pay for ads. I already paid for two ads in PHQ's lifespan and now we're ready for more. But I need your help to do so.

TheNameless started by donating 20 Euro. One week ad space costs 100 bucks, so there are 80 more to go. If you like playing PHQ and would like to see more people around here this is the chance to do it.

Note: I will not use the money for myself. All the money I receive will be used to promote PHQ.

You can only use PayPal to donate. Although there is no credit card required to do so! You can create a PayPal account and use a normal bank account as well.

Here is the donation link:

The ad will again be placed on as it has been the last two times.

Thanks for reading, have a nice day!


PS.: Don't forget to add bags to the Fucking Sadistic Christmas Calendar or else nobody will get any presents!

PHQ Link

View Comments (9) Search

December 06th 2006, 13:57:55
I with pleasure would help, but I absolutely do not have money!
December 06th 2006, 14:39:36
How do you pay for your internet connection then?
December 06th 2006, 21:40:40
I think he wanted to say that he has no money AFTER paying for things like internet connection and so on. ;)
December 06th 2006, 22:03:06
December 10th 2006, 23:29:46
I will dig into my bags and see how many bucks I can gather...
December 18th 2006, 19:53:58
My money is on the move... heh... via an African Carrier Pigeon [1]

/[1] ™ by Monty Python
December 26th 2006, 02:42:05
YAAAAY, WE GOT 100 of 100 needed Dollars!!!
******* Awesome!


December 28th 2006, 11:37:56
Thats... beautiful... unbelievable... and stuff.
February 08th 2007, 09:29:24
woah! the ad worked i see alot of LVL1 players!

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