Personal Halfquake
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PHQ Contest VI
By muddasheep, June 22nd 2010, 15:31:37


let me invite y'all to fire up your creative minds and participate in the latest PHQ Contest! All you need to do is create something Halfquake related, like a drawing, a wallpaper, a music track, a mini-game, a PHQ skin, a video, a picture of a voodoo doll with an evil smiley or a Lego Sadism Express - or whatever you can think of - and send it to me at, or if you've made a Sadism Express in real life size, send me a PM and I'll give you my snail mail address.

The winner gets a package with:

* Meadow Mayhem [Pure Awesome Edition]
* Halfquake Sunrise T-Shirt
* Halfquake DVD
* Antaran's Journal (signed)
* PHQ Badge
* Dead Pixel Pet

Everybody else also gets a PHQ badge and a letter containing a little surprise. The contest ends on September 1st 2010!

Oh - and the Dead Pixel Pet is a new prestigious item for those of you who always wanted a dead pixel as a pet, available here:

Place Where You Can Buy Things

Any questions regarding the contest - don't hesitate and ask!


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