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By muddasheep, October 21st 2010, 13:29:28


it has come to my attention, that there seems to be a ghostly thing lingering around near the Chosen Victim Bazaar at the market and by the sound of it, that thing doesn't appear to feel too good. Apparently, it's a forgotten Chosen Victim that was abandoned by its master, but we couldn't identify it nor find any leads to whom it belonged to.

It usually avoids contact, but there must be something it needs. I've updated the list of available badges with some clues. Badges

Furthermore, Jaymeeow is looking for food supply. He will take anything edible in your Chosen Victim's inventory and reward you with one of his special potions. Word has it that those potions increase the resistance of your Chosen Victims when they're up on the surface. So, maybe we are able to explore a bit further now and discover what else is buried up there.

And with that, I will let you get back to killing. Don't hit your head on the way out!


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