Personal Halfquake
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Hot Update
By muddasheep, July 18th 2010, 02:37:16

Dear sadists,

feast on the fresh baked updates from hell!

* The Dead Pixel Pet has been updated with more random status messages!
Place Where You Can Buy Things

* The Chosen Victim items page has been given a new option to search for an item name, making it a lot faster to find what you're looking for! CV Items Bazaar

* The layout of the profiles has been improved! View User

* There's a new page listing all available badges. The more badges you have, the higher will be your daily income! Badges

* New profile option: My Virtual Brain can be displayed to the left or to the right and lets you store little bits of data, like links, a todo list, ideas, PHQ notes - or whatever you can think of. Profile

* The C.H.A.T. now features a room selection and a help button! C.H.A.T.

* New crafting error messages have been added, thanks to Panterdjuret!

* The rankings have been fixed; Lanair has been on the first spot for quite some time now, taking away Khimitsu's previous lead.

* Fixed being able to equip items in the temporary slot (thanks to Azukra and Mohn_Jarwin).

And again, the PHQ Contest ends on September 1st 2010! Make sure your submission hits my inbox ( until then. News


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